Personal Pronouns
1st | I | me |
2nd | you | you |
3rd | she | her |
3rd | he | him |
3rd | it | it |
1st | we | us |
3rd | they | them |
2nd | you guys | you guys |
Why use pronouns?
No pronouns...
Elizabeth Walker is from California. Elizabeth Walker is 23 years old. Elizabeth Walker has brown hair. Elizabeth Walker is an IT consultant. Elizabeth Walker works at the Banana Company.
With pronouns...
Elizabeth Walker is from California. She is 23 years old. She has brown hair. She is an IT consultant. She works at the Banana Company.
Subject Pronoun Examples
I love my wife.
We like dogs!
Personal Pronoun Examples
I love my wife.
We like dogs!
My wife loves me.
Dogs like us!
Possessive Pronoun Examples
Possessive Determiner
That is my shirt.
Possessive Pronoun
That shirt is mine.